Please visit https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/kewauneeag/2019/01/14/scholarships/ for an extensive list of scholarships available.
Please visit https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/kewauneeag/2019/01/14/scholarships/ for an extensive list of scholarships available.
UW-Madison Extension has resources for young children through teens to help them process grief, war, and processing scary events. Preschool: Scary Things Elementary: A Little Caring Goes a Long Way Teens: Talking With Teens About Mass Violence Raising Caring Kids: https://parenting.extension.wisc.edu/raising-caring-kids/ UW-Madison Division of Extension offers resources about how parents and caregivers can support children […]
To register for in-person or Zoom video classes, contact Renee Koenig, renee.koenig@wisc.edu or 920-388-7137. About the Course This class is for parents who are experiencing divorce or separation or parents who have never married and are dealing with issues of paternity, parenting time, or child support. Parents are urged to work out family transition decisions […]
Parenting information when you need it. Finding reliable parenting information and advice on the web can be overwhelming! How do you know what you can trust — especially when you are busy and there’s just so little time? Just in Time Parenting is a free parenting newsletter that is delivered by email and specific to […]
Is Your Child Ready to Stay Home Alone? Like many parents, you might be trying to decide if it is safe to leave your school-age child home alone. Your child might be ready to stay home alone if they: Indicate a desire and willingness to stay alone Accepts responsibility and […]
These videos and narrated PowerPoints can help you learn how to safely preserve food. You can find many video resources online, but for safe preserving be sure to follow trusted resources from the UW Extension program. https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/safepreserving/videos/