Organizational Development


UWEX Cooperative Extension Community Development Educators offer education, research and process solutions to government, business and non-profit clients. education, research and process solutions to government, business and non-profit clients in 68 of Wisconsin’s 72 counties.

Custom Training & Support

Extension can provide information, training, and direction based on the goals of your organization. After an initial assessment, Extension will develop a flexible class schedule and plan, working with your organization to best determine class location and format to maximize attendance and return. Click here for more information. To schedule a session, please contact Patrick Nehring at 920-391-4616 or

If you need an interpreter, materials in multilingual or alternate formats or other accommodations to access Custom Training and Support programs, activities, or services, please contact Patrick Nehring at as soon as possible to learn how to take the appropriate next steps. It is important to do this early in your planning process and prior to the scheduled event so that proper arrangements can be made in a timely fashion.


If you have any questions regarding Community Resource Development in Kewaunee County, please contact:

Patrick Nehring
Community Development Educator

Linda Healey
Program Assistant

Support Extension